Bar and restaurant design


Essence Interiors is the general contractor responsible for designing bars and restaurants by coordinating all the professionals involved.
The design of a bar or restaurant is essential to create a functional and beautifully designed facility so that it always attracts new clientele. A well designed bar or restaurant will make its interior elements an unmistakable brand, becoming a true landmark. Essence Interiors is the general design contractor that coordinates the set of professionals involved in a restaurant or a bar design project: architects, interior design and communication experts. The end result is always a project made to the smallest details, ready with hi-tech solutions and smart spaces.
progettazione e arredamento interni bar ristoranti e bistrot

Custom-made furniture and furnishings for Bar and Restaurants

Upon request, we can make furniture elements produced by our craftmen: you can have custom made interiors available to make your bar or restaurant a unique piece. Essence Interiors uses the best technologies available at the design stage: you can view our proposals with 3D rendering to see the spaces of your venue even before it is built. We are able to satisfy the most refined tastes and the most demanding clients when it comes to custom furniture and furnishings for bars and restaurants. We offer ad hoc consulting and design for each client.

Our professional approach to customer cooperation, fruitful intercommunication of designers and production technicians enables us to produce high quality, comfortable forniture according to the style of the bar or restaurant. Our products are unique pieces.

The advantage of custom-made furniture for Bars and Restaurants

  • Unique style: One of the main advantages of designing and making custom furniture is that it can fit flawlessly with the style of the restaurant or bar, from classic to industrial. It also makes the project unique in its style
  • Practicality: in addition to design, there is the practicality of having comfortable furniture for every need by making full use of avaible space without getting in the way of staff and customers.
  • Quality: the quality of custom furniture and furnishings is superior ro prefabricated and cheap furniture. Both in terms of durability and in terms of the quality of the furniture itself.
  • Customization: every piece of furniture can be customized in every part, from color to shape, material to size. Customization, where necessary and requested by the customer, helps optimize the space of the room and at the same time distinguish you from your main competitors.

Aperitfs and appetizers, the new trend of bars and restaurants

Lately you may have noticed this new trend of bars or buffet, with or without primary consuption included. Specifically, this new trend represents an excellent business opportunity for restaurant and bar owners.

It is true that we should not improvise this new trend but rather take advantage of it to modernize our restaurant and its internal dynamics between kitchen, staff and customers. In fact, with this new trend comes the need to better plan spaces for both your staff and your customers. Experience tells us that efficiency can directly affect turnover.
If you would like to discover Essence Interiors successful projects take a look at our Portfolio, or contact us for a no obligation quote and explain your project.



We have been working for over 50 years



Vision and experience



A very long experience

Restaurant and Bar projects carried out by Essence Interiors

Starting with interior design and branding we bring to life a food&beverage establishment that can be beautiful, attractive and functional. Entrusting the design of your restaurant or bar to a general contractor allows for complete management, so you can get high quality materials and innovative solutions. With made in Italy finishes, hi-tech and smart accessories, every venue created by Essence Interiors has always been a great success among the public, right rom the first days of opening if you want to discover the successful projects by Essence Interiors.

progettazione arredo ristorante moderno sciocooking

Custom Bar and Restaurant Design: interiors that tell your story

Our bar and restaurant design service begins with a personalized meeting, during which the Essence Interiors team listens carefully to your visions and needs. This first appointment is critical to building a solid foundation for your bar or restaurant design, allowing us to fully understand your hospitality concept and the specifics of the venue you envision. Wheter you’re aiming to create an intimate and welcoming ambiance for a bar or an elegant and sophisticated atmospere for a restaurant, our approach is always personalized. We will work together to define the style, desired flow of movement, and practical solutions that optimize the use of space and enhance your customers experience.

Essence Interiors offers complete management of your bar or restaurant project, ensuring that every step is followed precisely. From approval of first draft to final implementation, our goal is to ensure that the end result excess your expectations. From assessing functional needs to choosing materials and finishes, every element is taken care of to create a unique sensory experience. We use the latest trands in layout, lighting and acoustics to optimize the environment and ensure maximum comfort for your clients. Whether it is an intimate and cozy atmosphere or a modern and dynamics pace, our team of professionali s dedicated to turning your vision into reality.

The final stage of our process focuses on interior design for your bar or restaurant decor. From layout to furniture, from lighting choices to decorative accents, every decision is aimed at creating an environment that enchants your guests and enhances their experience.

With Essence Interiors, your bar or restaurant will become a special place where your customers will have an unforgettable experience. Contact us now for a free consultation and find out how we can make your dream a reality.

Essence Interiors



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    Why rely on Essence Interiors for bar and restaurant design?

    Bar and restaurant design is very important for the business to flourish. In addition to aesthetics, it is necessary to design a bar or restaurant so that is as functional for customers as it is for staff. With Essence Interiors, the general contractor, which designs and develops bars and restaurants by taking full advantage of its experience in the field of interior design also thanks to its staff of designers and architects who will give your venue a unique look that is functional, comfortable and practical.

    What are the important aspects to consider when designing bars and restaurants?

    An important and often understimated aspect is the flow of circulation within restaurant operations. People often think only about design and not about how customers and staff move through the venue. This aspect is important, in fact good design also goes through the study of the flow within the venue so that convenience and efficiency go hand in hand. Understimating this aspect most often means having a design but non functional project which negatively affects especially when the venue is full of customers.

    Can i see the design of a bar or restaurant in 3D??

    Yes, certainly. Essence Interiors provides its customers with the ability to have a 3D preview at each stage of the design, giving the customer the opportunity to edit and have a global view of the project. This is definitely a very useful service and much appreciated by our clients. In addition to the design, it is possible to design and view the flow and movement of customers and staff in order to verify and resolve one of the most important aspects in the design of bar and restaurant interiors.

    How can I request a quote?

    To request a quote you need to fill out the contact form indicating your budget and what type of business you want to design: bar or restaurant. As soon as you send your request we will contact you to fully understand your needs and provide you with multiple quotes from which you can choose completely independently and without obligation.

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